
LucasGames Relaunch

  • 03.06.2002   |  
  • 01:30   |  
  • Von Jan "DasJan" Schneider    
LucasGames hat ein großes Update und ein neues Design bekommen. Mit dem Relaunch hat die Seite, die sich schon seit 1997 mit allem rund um LucasArts beschäftigt, ihre ausführlichen E3-Berichte online gestellt. Darunter befindet sich ein exklusives Interview mit Simon Jeffrey und Tom Sarris, das zum Beispiel über die Zukunft von LucasArts Auskunft gibt:

"So what we are announcing now at the show is only part of what we are really doing. In the next few months we are going to be announcing more stuff especially towards the later part of the year. Full Throttle is something that a lot of people internally wanted to build. Sean Clark in particular was excited to do a new Full throttle game. And it is something that fans have been asking for. Also, I think it’s a good franchise to try and help evolve adventure gaming, because the traditional point-and-click graphic adventure game is struggling in the market place. Something like Full Throttle can be a blend of adventure and action is really a nice way for us to try to experiment and move things forward."
