

News D DasJan 05 Dezember 2004
Kierdorf hat nun gleich noch ein BBE Produkt angekündigt:

But there is yet another adventure coming our way. It's called The Orgastic Four. It´s scheduled after I-Jet and will be a mix of The A-Team, a 70's porn movie and The Godfather. It will be a South Park-ish, comic-style hyperactive point & click adventure.
  • 05.12.04    
  • 20:24   

Kierdorf hat nun gleich noch ein BBE Produkt angekündigt:

But there is yet another adventure coming our way. It's called The Orgastic Four. It´s scheduled after I-Jet and will be a mix of The A-Team, a 70's porn movie and The Godfather. It will be a South Park-ish, comic-style hyperactive point & click adventure.

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