Seite 31 von 47

Re: The Secrets of Jesus

Verfasst: 22.11.2019, 23:07
von Möwe
Ich habe eine Lösung geschrieben (auf englisch), aber ich bekomme die Kreuze nicht zusammen, selbst die, die ich schon erspielt habe.
Kann mir da jemand helfen?
Nur lesen, wer nicht mehr gespoilert werden kann!
1 Truly, truly, I tell you: Do not poke your nose into other people's business!
Enter seven times in the house next to the woods in the village (behind Simeons house)

2 Finally a bread roll. Religion is not always easy
Answer the questions of the bread seller correctly.

3 I must have overlooked it. That hurt a lot!
Try to go east in front of Barrabas house.

4 It is only a game! Do not take it so seriously!

Ask the music trader about music to lull a child to sleep.

5 Bull's eye!
Throw the chicken egg at Rahab from the top of the storage next to her house

6 The picture may have come from Heaven, but it is dangerous

Take a picture with Appolonius.

7 That is life, John!
Talk with John, ask him about the other disciples

8 Thou shalt not lie!
Give Felix the stinky shoes and tell him, they belong to his drowning son.

9 Jesus is a human, and therefore he has all the human needs. Peeing included

Pee in the straw in the room with the donkey, in the house of the woman cooking lentil soup

10 Curses, like chickens, come home to roost!
Combine the goose with the praetorian guard.

11 She really needs to drop this hobby
Try to kiss Mary.

12 How the hell am I supposed to delete the heavenly picture?

13 That explains why he is not married

Use the stairs in the house of the rich man before leaving to India.

14 The cross of Jesus can be removed now

15 Stop tickling me!
Tickle the sinner in Rahabs house with the raven feather

16 Merry Christmas!

17 The heavenly picture needs to disappear, but how?

Re: The Secrets of Jesus

Verfasst: 23.11.2019, 01:11
von Amir
Uncoolman hat geschrieben: 22.11.2019, 23:05 Yepp. Ich weiß nicht mal, wer die Dame ist. Und ihre Gürtelschnalle hätte ich wahrlich nicht als Kreuz erkannt...
Es geht um ein buntes Kreuz/Achievement im Spiel, das du freischalten kannst :D Du wirst das sehen.

Re: The Secrets of Jesus

Verfasst: 23.11.2019, 01:46
von Amir
Möwe hat geschrieben: 22.11.2019, 23:07 Ich habe eine Lösung geschrieben (auf englisch), aber ich bekomme die Kreuze nicht zusammen, selbst die, die ich schon erspielt habe.
Kann mir da jemand helfen?
Nur lesen, wer nicht mehr gespoilert werden kann!
1 Truly, truly, I tell you: Do not poke your nose into other people's business!
Enter seven times in the house next to the woods in the village (behind Simeons house)

2 Finally a bread roll. Religion is not always easy
Answer the questions of the bread seller correctly.

3 I must have overlooked it. That hurt a lot!
Try to go east in front of Barrabas house.

4 It is only a game! Do not take it so seriously!

Ask the music trader about music to lull a child to sleep.

5 Bull's eye!
Throw the chicken egg at Rahab from the top of the storage next to her house

6 The picture may have come from Heaven, but it is dangerous

Take a picture with Appolonius.

7 That is life, John!
Talk with John, ask him about the other disciples

8 Thou shalt not lie!
Give Felix the stinky shoes and tell him, they belong to his drowning son.

9 Jesus is a human, and therefore he has all the human needs. Peeing included

Pee in the straw in the room with the donkey, in the house of the woman cooking lentil soup

10 Curses, like chickens, come home to roost!
Combine the goose with the praetorian guard.

11 She really needs to drop this hobby
Try to kiss Mary.

12 How the hell am I supposed to delete the heavenly picture?

13 That explains why he is not married

Use the stairs in the house of the rich man before leaving to India.

14 The cross of Jesus can be removed now

15 Stop tickling me!
Tickle the sinner in Rahabs house with the raven feather

16 Merry Christmas!

17 The heavenly picture needs to disappear, but how?

Cool, ich bin sehr gespannt :)
Also, das Foto entfernen 2 mal. Einmal mit dem Feuer unterm Topf versuchen und einmal löschen mit der Delete-Taste :D
The cross of Jesus can be removed now das hast du bestimmt bekommen, das ist das letzte im Spiel, das kommt, nachdem die Kutsche mit Jesus und Maria aus dem Bildschirm verschwindet, ganz am Schluss. Merry Christmas, die dritte Frage glaub ich, im Test von der Brotverkäuferin, eine weihnachtliche Antwort
Papa Noel

Re: The Secrets of Jesus

Verfasst: 23.11.2019, 01:52
von Amir
Möwe hat geschrieben: 22.11.2019, 23:07 Ich habe eine Lösung geschrieben (auf englisch), aber ich bekomme die Kreuze nicht zusammen, selbst die, die ich schon erspielt habe.
Kann mir da jemand helfen?
Nur lesen, wer nicht mehr gespoilert werden kann!
1 Truly, truly, I tell you: Do not poke your nose into other people's business!
Enter seven times in the house next to the woods in the village (behind Simeons house)

2 Finally a bread roll. Religion is not always easy
Answer the questions of the bread seller correctly.

3 I must have overlooked it. That hurt a lot!
Try to go east in front of Barrabas house.

4 It is only a game! Do not take it so seriously!

Ask the music trader about music to lull a child to sleep.

5 Bull's eye!
Throw the chicken egg at Rahab from the top of the storage next to her house

6 The picture may have come from Heaven, but it is dangerous

Take a picture with Appolonius.

7 That is life, John!
Talk with John, ask him about the other disciples

8 Thou shalt not lie!
Give Felix the stinky shoes and tell him, they belong to his drowning son.

9 Jesus is a human, and therefore he has all the human needs. Peeing included

Pee in the straw in the room with the donkey, in the house of the woman cooking lentil soup

10 Curses, like chickens, come home to roost!
Combine the goose with the praetorian guard.

11 She really needs to drop this hobby
Try to kiss Mary.

12 How the hell am I supposed to delete the heavenly picture?

13 That explains why he is not married

Use the stairs in the house of the rich man before leaving to India.

14 The cross of Jesus can be removed now

15 Stop tickling me!
Tickle the sinner in Rahabs house with the raven feather

16 Merry Christmas!

17 The heavenly picture needs to disappear, but how?
Barabbas, doppel B auch auf Englisch :D

Re: The Secrets of Jesus

Verfasst: 23.11.2019, 09:49
von Möwe
Whoooooo, ich habe zum ersten Mal auf Steam einen Guide erstellt.
Bin ganz stolz auf mich.
Und weil ich gerade "in the mood" bin, poste ich hier mal meine beiden anderen Guides, damit vielleicht jemand noch einen Fehler entdeckt, bevor ich sie poste (oder sie als Anleitung nimmt, wenn er/sie möchte).
Beware vor den Spoilern! In Steam werde ich sie spoilerfrei verpacken, hier sind sie alle sichtbar!!!
Gesammeltes Gedöns:
Five denarius: there from the beginning
Flintstone: take it, it’s next to the owl
Carrot: in the village where the carriage driver is, on a barrel
Comb: on the shelf in Marys house
Raven feather: use the flintstone on the raven at Johns second house
Crab: at Sea of Galilee on a stone
Wooden staff: in Tiberias, next to the gate left of Felix’ son
Lemon: in the house of the woman cooking the lentil soup on a shelf
Ladder: on the wall in the room with the donkey, in the house of the woman cooking lentil soup
Lice: comb the donkey in the house of the woman cooking lentil soup
Bowl: ask the ceramicist master
Ney: give the music trader five denarius
Cotton wool: take it after talking to the egg seller
Bread: answer the question of the bread seller correctly: 3/1/4/3/1/4/2/2/1/3/1/3/2/2/1
Lentils: Put the lice in the lentils
Honey: use the lemon with the bees
Crumbs with honey: mix bread and honey
Nail: look at the grilles left at the carpenters house
Empty wine bottle: take the bottle form the carriage driver
Owl egg: combine nay and nail, use it on the owl
Chicken egg: give the owl egg to the egg seller
Bottle of wine: use the crumbs with honey on the Sea of Galilee, take the bottle, when the fisher is distracted
Dung: play the nay for the donkey of the cooking woman
First money bag: give the lentil soup to the beggar, the bag will appear in Johns second house
Stinky cheese: ask the rich man if the fruits on the table are fresh, take the cheese
Bowl with water: after giving the soup to the beggar, use it on the water bowl in front of the music sellers shop
Wild lettuce: talk with Simeon after visiting Ravid/Appolonius about the savior. He will leave his house, you can take the wild lettuce
Wild lettuce tea: use the wild lettuce with the water bowl, cook it over the fire in the house of the cooking woman
Shoes: give Felix’s son the wild lettuce tea
Stinky shoes: use the stinky cheese on the shoes
Wet cotton wool: soak the cotton wool on the water in front of the music sellers shop
Wine-soaked cotton wool: soak the wet cotton wool on the wine in Felix’s house
Fire: use the wine-soaked cotton wool with the fire in the house of the cooking woman
Myrrh: use the fire with the two magi
Vellum: perform the magic trick in front of the magi (use fire with magi)
Papyrus: Give the myrrh to the dismal woman, you can take the
Quill: use dung and raven feather
Vellum with writing: use quill on it
Papyrus with writing: use quill on it
Second money bag: next to Judas in Beit Keshed forest
Pigeon: give the money bag to the pigeon seller
Honey: take another bit of honey
Sticky sheet of papyrus: combine honey and the written papyrus
Carrier pigeon with message: combine vellum and pigeon
Goose: it’s in the woods, next to the bees’ nest
Precious headdress: in Barabbas second room
Gold: use crab on precious headdress
Knife: take it from Barabbas’ house
Sharp knife: use knife on scythes
Rope: use the sharp knife on Judas’ rope
Soup stain: you can cut it with a knife from Judas’ garment after discovering the connection between Judas and the cooking woman
Ceramic hook: ask the ceramicist master to make you a hook
Rope with hook: combine rope with ceramic hook
Aram’s garment: use rope with hook with the abyss
Besmeared garment: use Aram’s garment with the left make up palette at Mary’s house
Wheel: take the wheel after you made it look like the old one
Remove the rabbits: eat the carrot in front of them

Wake the carriage driver: use the wooden staff to move the big wheel next to the carriage driver, smash the empty bottle on the stone. Use the money bag on the carriage driver and he drives you to Ravid, Majda Shams, Beit Keshed forest, India.
Ravid: ask John about news after you entered Rahabs house.
Majdal Shams: ask Felix’s partner if there are news.
Beit Keshed forest: ask John about news after you visited the magi.
India: solve all riddles.

See if Aram is with Rahab: lean the ladder on the storage next to Rahabs house, drink the wine, use the ladder, throw the chicken egg at Rahab.

See if Aram is in Felix’ house: give Felix the stinky shoes after telling him you saw his son drowning.

See if Aram is in Barabbas’ house: use the sticky sheet of papyrus on Barabbas door. Let the carrier pigeon with message fly to the temple. Use the goose with the praetorian guard.

Find Aram: tell Mary that Aram is not with one of the three suspects. She tells you, Aram’s garment smells like lentils. Ask the cooking woman, she denies to know Aram. Ask John. He tells you about rumors, that Judas had an affair with the cooking woman. So you go and take a look at Judas and discover a spot of lentil soup on his garment. You cut it out with a knife and show it to the cooking woman. She confesses to have an affair with Judas and that Aram is hiding in the straw in the next room.

Go to India: give the gold to the carriage driver. He needs a new wheel. Go to the carpenter and reclaim your favour. Use Aram’s garment to smear make up on the new wheel. Give the wheel to the carriage driver and ask to be taken to India.

Re: The Secrets of Jesus

Verfasst: 23.11.2019, 11:14
von Amir
Möwe hat geschrieben: 23.11.2019, 09:49 Whoooooo, ich habe zum ersten Mal auf Steam einen Guide erstellt.
Bin ganz stolz auf mich.
Und weil ich gerade "in the mood" bin, poste ich hier mal meine beiden anderen Guides, damit vielleicht jemand noch einen Fehler entdeckt, bevor ich sie poste (oder sie als Anleitung nimmt, wenn er/sie möchte).
Beware vor den Spoilern! In Steam werde ich sie spoilerfrei verpacken, hier sind sie alle sichtbar!!!
Gesammeltes Gedöns:
Five denarius: there from the beginning
Flintstone: take it, it’s next to the owl
Carrot: in the village where the carriage driver is, on a barrel
Comb: on the shelf in Marys house
Raven feather: use the flintstone on the raven at Johns second house
Crab: at Sea of Galilee on a stone
Wooden staff: in Tiberias, next to the gate left of Felix’ son
Lemon: in the house of the woman cooking the lentil soup on a shelf
Ladder: on the wall in the room with the donkey, in the house of the woman cooking lentil soup
Lice: comb the donkey in the house of the woman cooking lentil soup
Bowl: ask the ceramicist master
Ney: give the music trader five denarius
Cotton wool: take it after talking to the egg seller
Bread: answer the question of the bread seller correctly: 3/1/4/3/1/4/2/2/1/3/1/3/2/2/1
Lentils: Put the lice in the lentils
Honey: use the lemon with the bees
Crumbs with honey: mix bread and honey
Nail: look at the grilles left at the carpenters house
Empty wine bottle: take the bottle form the carriage driver
Owl egg: combine nay and nail, use it on the owl
Chicken egg: give the owl egg to the egg seller
Bottle of wine: use the crumbs with honey on the Sea of Galilee, take the bottle, when the fisher is distracted
Dung: play the nay for the donkey of the cooking woman
First money bag: give the lentil soup to the beggar, the bag will appear in Johns second house
Stinky cheese: ask the rich man if the fruits on the table are fresh, take the cheese
Bowl with water: after giving the soup to the beggar, use it on the water bowl in front of the music sellers shop
Wild lettuce: talk with Simeon after visiting Ravid/Appolonius about the savior. He will leave his house, you can take the wild lettuce
Wild lettuce tea: use the wild lettuce with the water bowl, cook it over the fire in the house of the cooking woman
Shoes: give Felix’s son the wild lettuce tea
Stinky shoes: use the stinky cheese on the shoes
Wet cotton wool: soak the cotton wool on the water in front of the music sellers shop
Wine-soaked cotton wool: soak the wet cotton wool on the wine in Felix’s house
Fire: use the wine-soaked cotton wool with the fire in the house of the cooking woman
Myrrh: use the fire with the two magi
Vellum: perform the magic trick in front of the magi (use fire with magi)
Papyrus: Give the myrrh to the dismal woman, you can take the
Quill: use dung and raven feather
Vellum with writing: use quill on it
Papyrus with writing: use quill on it
Second money bag: next to Judas in Beit Keshed forest
Pigeon: give the money bag to the pigeon seller
Honey: take another bit of honey
Sticky sheet of papyrus: combine honey and the written papyrus
Carrier pigeon with message: combine vellum and pigeon
Goose: it’s in the woods, next to the bees’ nest
Precious headdress: in Barabbas second room
Gold: use crab on precious headdress
Knife: take it from Barabbas’ house
Sharp knife: use knife on scythes
Rope: use the sharp knife on Judas’ rope
Soup stain: you can cut it with a knife from Judas’ garment after discovering the connection between Judas and the cooking woman
Ceramic hook: ask the ceramicist master to make you a hook
Rope with hook: combine rope with ceramic hook
Aram’s garment: use rope with hook with the abyss
Besmeared garment: use Aram’s garment with the left make up palette at Mary’s house
Wheel: take the wheel after you made it look like the old one
Remove the rabbits: eat the carrot in front of them

Wake the carriage driver: use the wooden staff to move the big wheel next to the carriage driver, smash the empty bottle on the stone. Use the money bag on the carriage driver and he drives you to Ravid, Majda Shams, Beit Keshed forest, India.
Ravid: ask John about news after you entered Rahabs house.
Majdal Shams: ask Felix’s partner if there are news.
Beit Keshed forest: ask John about news after you visited the magi.
India: solve all riddles.

See if Aram is with Rahab: lean the ladder on the storage next to Rahabs house, drink the wine, use the ladder, throw the chicken egg at Rahab.

See if Aram is in Felix’ house: give Felix the stinky shoes after telling him you saw his son drowning.

See if Aram is in Barabbas’ house: use the sticky sheet of papyrus on Barabbas door. Let the carrier pigeon with message fly to the temple. Use the goose with the praetorian guard.

Find Aram: tell Mary that Aram is not with one of the three suspects. She tells you, Aram’s garment smells like lentils. Ask the cooking woman, she denies to know Aram. Ask John. He tells you about rumors, that Judas had an affair with the cooking woman. So you go and take a look at Judas and discover a spot of lentil soup on his garment. You cut it out with a knife and show it to the cooking woman. She confesses to have an affair with Judas and that Aram is hiding in the straw in the next room.

Go to India: give the gold to the carriage driver. He needs a new wheel. Go to the carpenter and reclaim your favour. Use Aram’s garment to smear make up on the new wheel. Give the wheel to the carriage driver and ask to be taken to India.
Vielen Dank. Tolle Arbeit =D> Das wird bestimmt vielen Spielern helfen :D
Es gibt etwas, was du vielleicht korrigieren solltest, musst du aber nicht, es ist kein Fehler, weil man auch so machen kann. Aber ich erkläre es dir genauer.
Ravid: ask John about news after you entered Rahabs house.
Majdal Shams: ask Felix’s partner if there are news.
Beit Keshed forest: ask John about news after you visited the magi.

Ich würde dem Spieler so empfehlen:

Ravid: ask John about news after you entered Rahabs house.
Majdal Shams: ask Felix’s partner if there are news after you enter Felix's house.
Beit Keshed forest: ask John about news after you enter Felix's house as well.

Denn wenn man in Felix' Hause reinkommt, erscheinen gleich aufeinmal 2 Optionen bei Johannes (Beit Keshed) und beim Beobachter oder Felix’s Partner (Majdal Shams). :)

Re: The Secrets of Jesus

Verfasst: 23.11.2019, 11:20
von Möwe
Ok, danke für den Tipp, werde ich verbessern.

Ich hoffe, es lockt noch einige Spieler an, wenn es eine Lösung gibt.

Re: The Secrets of Jesus

Verfasst: 23.11.2019, 11:28
von Amir
Möwe hat geschrieben: 23.11.2019, 11:20 Ok, danke für den Tipp, werde ich verbessern.

Ich hoffe, es lockt noch einige Spieler an, wenn es eine Lösung gibt.
Auf jeden Fall. Ihr habt gesehen, das Spiel ist nicht einfach. Was für ein gemeiner Entwickler :mrgreen:

Re: The Secrets of Jesus

Verfasst: 23.11.2019, 11:38
von Möwe
Ja, ganz entsetzlich, dieser Entwickler! Ich habe STUNDEN gelitten.
Wenn er bloß nicht ein so schönes Spiel entwickelt hätte, müsste man ihn verfluchen.

Re: The Secrets of Jesus

Verfasst: 23.11.2019, 12:00
von Amir
:lol: Danke.

Re: The Secrets of Jesus

Verfasst: 23.11.2019, 14:31
von Uncoolman
Möwe hat geschrieben: 23.11.2019, 09:49 Whoooooo, ich habe zum ersten Mal auf Steam einen Guide erstellt.
Bin ganz stolz auf mich.
Und weil ich gerade "in the mood" bin, poste ich hier mal meine beiden anderen Guides, damit vielleicht jemand noch einen Fehler entdeckt, bevor ich sie poste (oder sie als Anleitung nimmt, wenn er/sie möchte).
Beware vor den Spoilern! In Steam werde ich sie spoilerfrei verpacken, hier sind sie alle sichtbar!!!
Gesammeltes Gedöns:
Five denarius: there from the beginning
Flintstone: take it, it’s next to the owl
Carrot: in the village where the carriage driver is, on a barrel
Comb: on the shelf in Marys house
Raven feather: use the flintstone on the raven at Johns second house
Crab: at Sea of Galilee on a stone
Wooden staff: in Tiberias, next to the gate left of Felix’ son
Lemon: in the house of the woman cooking the lentil soup on a shelf
Ladder: on the wall in the room with the donkey, in the house of the woman cooking lentil soup
Lice: comb the donkey in the house of the woman cooking lentil soup
Bowl: ask the ceramicist master
Ney: give the music trader five denarius
Cotton wool: take it after talking to the egg seller
Bread: answer the question of the bread seller correctly: 3/1/4/3/1/4/2/2/1/3/1/3/2/2/1
Lentils: Put the lice in the lentils
Honey: use the lemon with the bees
Crumbs with honey: mix bread and honey
Nail: look at the grilles left at the carpenters house
Empty wine bottle: take the bottle form the carriage driver
Owl egg: combine nay and nail, use it on the owl
Chicken egg: give the owl egg to the egg seller
Bottle of wine: use the crumbs with honey on the Sea of Galilee, take the bottle, when the fisher is distracted
Dung: play the nay for the donkey of the cooking woman
First money bag: give the lentil soup to the beggar, the bag will appear in Johns second house
Stinky cheese: ask the rich man if the fruits on the table are fresh, take the cheese
Bowl with water: after giving the soup to the beggar, use it on the water bowl in front of the music sellers shop
Wild lettuce: talk with Simeon after visiting Ravid/Appolonius about the savior. He will leave his house, you can take the wild lettuce
Wild lettuce tea: use the wild lettuce with the water bowl, cook it over the fire in the house of the cooking woman
Shoes: give Felix’s son the wild lettuce tea
Stinky shoes: use the stinky cheese on the shoes
Wet cotton wool: soak the cotton wool on the water in front of the music sellers shop
Wine-soaked cotton wool: soak the wet cotton wool on the wine in Felix’s house
Fire: use the wine-soaked cotton wool with the fire in the house of the cooking woman
Myrrh: use the fire with the two magi
Vellum: perform the magic trick in front of the magi (use fire with magi)
Papyrus: Give the myrrh to the dismal woman, you can take the
Quill: use dung and raven feather
Vellum with writing: use quill on it
Papyrus with writing: use quill on it
Second money bag: next to Judas in Beit Keshed forest
Pigeon: give the money bag to the pigeon seller
Honey: take another bit of honey
Sticky sheet of papyrus: combine honey and the written papyrus
Carrier pigeon with message: combine vellum and pigeon
Goose: it’s in the woods, next to the bees’ nest
Precious headdress: in Barabbas second room
Gold: use crab on precious headdress
Knife: take it from Barabbas’ house
Sharp knife: use knife on scythes
Rope: use the sharp knife on Judas’ rope
Soup stain: you can cut it with a knife from Judas’ garment after discovering the connection between Judas and the cooking woman
Ceramic hook: ask the ceramicist master to make you a hook
Rope with hook: combine rope with ceramic hook
Aram’s garment: use rope with hook with the abyss
Besmeared garment: use Aram’s garment with the left make up palette at Mary’s house
Wheel: take the wheel after you made it look like the old one
Remove the rabbits: eat the carrot in front of them

Wake the carriage driver: use the wooden staff to move the big wheel next to the carriage driver, smash the empty bottle on the stone. Use the money bag on the carriage driver and he drives you to Ravid, Majda Shams, Beit Keshed forest, India.
Ravid: ask John about news after you entered Rahabs house.
Majdal Shams: ask Felix’s partner if there are news.
Beit Keshed forest: ask John about news after you visited the magi.
India: solve all riddles.

See if Aram is with Rahab: lean the ladder on the storage next to Rahabs house, drink the wine, use the ladder, throw the chicken egg at Rahab.

See if Aram is in Felix’ house: give Felix the stinky shoes after telling him you saw his son drowning.

See if Aram is in Barabbas’ house: use the sticky sheet of papyrus on Barabbas door. Let the carrier pigeon with message fly to the temple. Use the goose with the praetorian guard.

Find Aram: tell Mary that Aram is not with one of the three suspects. She tells you, Aram’s garment smells like lentils. Ask the cooking woman, she denies to know Aram. Ask John. He tells you about rumors, that Judas had an affair with the cooking woman. So you go and take a look at Judas and discover a spot of lentil soup on his garment. You cut it out with a knife and show it to the cooking woman. She confesses to have an affair with Judas and that Aram is hiding in the straw in the next room.

Go to India: give the gold to the carriage driver. He needs a new wheel. Go to the carpenter and reclaim your favour. Use Aram’s garment to smear make up on the new wheel. Give the wheel to the carriage driver and ask to be taken to India.
Das ist wahrlich eine Sau-Arbeit! Ich kann mich nur im Namen anderer bedanken, denn für mich ist das Englisch zu mühsam. Deshalb werde ich diese Lösung nicht nutzen. Abgesehen davon: ist die nur für Dampfmitglieder zugänglich, oder darf die sich jeder runterladen?

Re: The Secrets of Jesus

Verfasst: 23.11.2019, 18:19
von Amir
Uncoolman hat geschrieben: 23.11.2019, 14:31
Möwe hat geschrieben: 23.11.2019, 09:49 Whoooooo, ich habe zum ersten Mal auf Steam einen Guide erstellt.
Bin ganz stolz auf mich.
Und weil ich gerade "in the mood" bin, poste ich hier mal meine beiden anderen Guides, damit vielleicht jemand noch einen Fehler entdeckt, bevor ich sie poste (oder sie als Anleitung nimmt, wenn er/sie möchte).
Beware vor den Spoilern! In Steam werde ich sie spoilerfrei verpacken, hier sind sie alle sichtbar!!!
Gesammeltes Gedöns:
Five denarius: there from the beginning
Flintstone: take it, it’s next to the owl
Carrot: in the village where the carriage driver is, on a barrel
Comb: on the shelf in Marys house
Raven feather: use the flintstone on the raven at Johns second house
Crab: at Sea of Galilee on a stone
Wooden staff: in Tiberias, next to the gate left of Felix’ son
Lemon: in the house of the woman cooking the lentil soup on a shelf
Ladder: on the wall in the room with the donkey, in the house of the woman cooking lentil soup
Lice: comb the donkey in the house of the woman cooking lentil soup
Bowl: ask the ceramicist master
Ney: give the music trader five denarius
Cotton wool: take it after talking to the egg seller
Bread: answer the question of the bread seller correctly: 3/1/4/3/1/4/2/2/1/3/1/3/2/2/1
Lentils: Put the lice in the lentils
Honey: use the lemon with the bees
Crumbs with honey: mix bread and honey
Nail: look at the grilles left at the carpenters house
Empty wine bottle: take the bottle form the carriage driver
Owl egg: combine nay and nail, use it on the owl
Chicken egg: give the owl egg to the egg seller
Bottle of wine: use the crumbs with honey on the Sea of Galilee, take the bottle, when the fisher is distracted
Dung: play the nay for the donkey of the cooking woman
First money bag: give the lentil soup to the beggar, the bag will appear in Johns second house
Stinky cheese: ask the rich man if the fruits on the table are fresh, take the cheese
Bowl with water: after giving the soup to the beggar, use it on the water bowl in front of the music sellers shop
Wild lettuce: talk with Simeon after visiting Ravid/Appolonius about the savior. He will leave his house, you can take the wild lettuce
Wild lettuce tea: use the wild lettuce with the water bowl, cook it over the fire in the house of the cooking woman
Shoes: give Felix’s son the wild lettuce tea
Stinky shoes: use the stinky cheese on the shoes
Wet cotton wool: soak the cotton wool on the water in front of the music sellers shop
Wine-soaked cotton wool: soak the wet cotton wool on the wine in Felix’s house
Fire: use the wine-soaked cotton wool with the fire in the house of the cooking woman
Myrrh: use the fire with the two magi
Vellum: perform the magic trick in front of the magi (use fire with magi)
Papyrus: Give the myrrh to the dismal woman, you can take the
Quill: use dung and raven feather
Vellum with writing: use quill on it
Papyrus with writing: use quill on it
Second money bag: next to Judas in Beit Keshed forest
Pigeon: give the money bag to the pigeon seller
Honey: take another bit of honey
Sticky sheet of papyrus: combine honey and the written papyrus
Carrier pigeon with message: combine vellum and pigeon
Goose: it’s in the woods, next to the bees’ nest
Precious headdress: in Barabbas second room
Gold: use crab on precious headdress
Knife: take it from Barabbas’ house
Sharp knife: use knife on scythes
Rope: use the sharp knife on Judas’ rope
Soup stain: you can cut it with a knife from Judas’ garment after discovering the connection between Judas and the cooking woman
Ceramic hook: ask the ceramicist master to make you a hook
Rope with hook: combine rope with ceramic hook
Aram’s garment: use rope with hook with the abyss
Besmeared garment: use Aram’s garment with the left make up palette at Mary’s house
Wheel: take the wheel after you made it look like the old one
Remove the rabbits: eat the carrot in front of them

Wake the carriage driver: use the wooden staff to move the big wheel next to the carriage driver, smash the empty bottle on the stone. Use the money bag on the carriage driver and he drives you to Ravid, Majda Shams, Beit Keshed forest, India.
Ravid: ask John about news after you entered Rahabs house.
Majdal Shams: ask Felix’s partner if there are news.
Beit Keshed forest: ask John about news after you visited the magi.
India: solve all riddles.

See if Aram is with Rahab: lean the ladder on the storage next to Rahabs house, drink the wine, use the ladder, throw the chicken egg at Rahab.

See if Aram is in Felix’ house: give Felix the stinky shoes after telling him you saw his son drowning.

See if Aram is in Barabbas’ house: use the sticky sheet of papyrus on Barabbas door. Let the carrier pigeon with message fly to the temple. Use the goose with the praetorian guard.

Find Aram: tell Mary that Aram is not with one of the three suspects. She tells you, Aram’s garment smells like lentils. Ask the cooking woman, she denies to know Aram. Ask John. He tells you about rumors, that Judas had an affair with the cooking woman. So you go and take a look at Judas and discover a spot of lentil soup on his garment. You cut it out with a knife and show it to the cooking woman. She confesses to have an affair with Judas and that Aram is hiding in the straw in the next room.

Go to India: give the gold to the carriage driver. He needs a new wheel. Go to the carpenter and reclaim your favour. Use Aram’s garment to smear make up on the new wheel. Give the wheel to the carriage driver and ask to be taken to India.
Das ist wahrlich eine Sau-Arbeit! Ich kann mich nur im Namen anderer bedanken, denn für mich ist das Englisch zu mühsam. Deshalb werde ich diese Lösung nicht nutzen. Abgesehen davon: ist die nur für Dampfmitglieder zugänglich, oder darf die sich jeder runterladen?
Man kann sie nicht runterladen, nur angucken und lesen. Du musst kein Dampfmitglieder sein. Da ist es, du kannst es lesen, aber mach es jetzt bitte nicht :D

Re: The Secrets of Jesus

Verfasst: 23.11.2019, 21:22
von Uncoolman
Nee, ganz sicher nicht. Obwohl einige hier an gewissen Rätseln ganz schön knapsen mussten und Hilfe herbeigesehnt haben, oder? Da hast du eine Menge langstündigen, intensiven Spielspaß abgeliefert!

Und wie gesagt: auf Englisch nützt mir das eh nichts...

Re: The Secrets of Jesus

Verfasst: 24.11.2019, 00:28
von Snowblizzard
regit hat geschrieben: 21.11.2019, 02:25 Ich kann Dir 4 Tipps geben, beim 5. weiß ich auch nicht mehr, wo ich das bekommen habe.

1.Frohe Weihnachten
Da musst Du bei der Brotverkäuferin eine bestimmte Antwort geben
Glaube, es war die 4. Frage
2, Ich habe sie übersehen
Gegen eine Wand rennen, die man nicht sieht
glaube, es war beim Sohn von Felix, da muss man nach rechts gehen
3. Das erklärt, wieso er nicht verheiratet ist
Bevor Du nach Indien abreist, musst Du noch mal zum Reichen gehen
Treppe rauf
4. Foto entfernen
Versuche es mal mit Löschen-
auf der Tastatur :lol:
5. weiß ich nicht mehr
Danke, das hat mir doch gut weitergeholfen. :)
Uncoolman hat geschrieben: 22.11.2019, 02:36 Ja, diese vielen kleinen Animationen der Leute sind Spitze. Davon lebt ein Spiel!
Auf jeden Fall, da steckt viel Liebe und Arbeit drin. Wenn Jesus geht, sieht das fast wie ein Moonwalk aus, ich habe mir das alles sehr gerne angeschaut.

Amir hat geschrieben: 23.11.2019, 11:28 Auf jeden Fall. Ihr habt gesehen, das Spiel ist nicht einfach. Was für ein gemeiner Entwickler :mrgreen:
Total fies. :mrgreen:
Ich fand den Schwierigkeitsgrad gehoben, das ist gegen den Trend das Adventures einfacher geworden sind. Aber das ist von dir gut durchdacht worden und es gibt viel zu entdecken. Am Ende alles nachvollziehbar.
Das Verscheuchen der Bienen mit der Zitrone kannte ich nicht. Wusste gar nicht, dass das wirklich klappt. Ich hatte wie üblich bei sowas auf Rauch gesetzt oder wenn auf die absurde Variante geht, mit dem Einsatz von einem Bär gerechnet, aber das hat mich kalt erwischt. Aber so habe ich noch was gelernt durch das Spiel.

Re: The Secrets of Jesus

Verfasst: 24.11.2019, 13:36
von Amir

Vielen Dank :) Ich freue mich, dass es dir gefallen hat.